Benjamin Button, the man who defied all known laws of ageing and gradually became younger. How we envy such a concept each morning as we look in the mirror and witness first-hand the effects ageing plays on our appearance – the double chin, the saggy cheeks… **sigh**!
What if I were to tell you that this doesn’t have to be the reality. That we could all experience the Benjamin Button effect a little ourselves – firmer more youthful looking skin. Better yet, what if I could offer it to a limited number of you for just £180. No, I’m not crazy, it is possible and I will be helping many of my clients make it a reality from September with the help of HIFU.
HIFU, High Intensity Focused Ultrasound, is a revolutionary non-surgical therapy that kick starts our skins own natural cell repair response for smoother, tighter and more toned skin. The natural laws of aging dictate that come 30, our body naturally reduces the amount of collagen our skin produces resulting in reduced elasticity. HIFU works by re-stimulating our own collagen production through a process called neocollagenesis.
Similar to an ultrasound you’d have when you’re pregnant, HIFU works by delivering ultrasound energy to the deep foundation lays of your skin without disrupting or damaging the surface of the skin. This means the therapy can be done in as little as 30 minutes with no down-time, pain or bruising.
This increase in collagen production results in skin that is smoother, tighter and more toned. This procedure can lift eyebrows, sagging skin, tighten loose skin around the jowls and improve the appearance of a double chin.

If you’re still not convinced and you have a few minutes to spare… 7 to be exact, you have got to watch this video: http:www.youtube.com/watch
As I mentioned earlier, come September I will be offering this exciting new therapy from my clinic in Crowthorne. If you’re interested, I have a special offer for the first 15 people to book.
The first 15 people to book can receive one skin tightening treatment session for £180.
This is an incredible offer as others in the area charge upwards of £900 for the same treatment per session. What makes it even more exciting is that results you get from this therapy will last from one to five years!
So what are you waiting for, contact me now to book. Be like Benjamin Button. Look in the mirror each morning and see a more youthful person looking back at you.
Jalé’s Clinic is an advanced aesthetic and holistic beauty clinic, we are committed to helping our clients both inside and out. We offer a range of services including Tattoo Removal, Swedish Massage, Dermalogica Facial and HIFU Face Lift - for more information on the treatments we offer, or to book an appointment please call +44 (0) 7597 121 602 or email info@jalesclinic.com